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Why Adoption?

While there are many reasons why we have chosen to pursue domestic infant adoption, our story starts quite similar to many others. We knew while dating that there was a high probability we would struggle with infertility after marriage. Nick had suffered from cancer as a young child and had to undergo extensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Doctors had shared with him during his teenage years  he may not be able to have biological children. A few months into our marriage, we decided to start ethical testing to see if this was really the case, in which it was. We were diagnosed with infertility and learned there was nearly no chance we would ever become pregnant.


We are so excited to be pursing adoption! We have faith God has a child and birth family picked out for us, and we cannot wait to welcome them all into our lives!

Contact Us

Considering adoption or know someone who is? Please feel free to call, text or email us at anytime! We have also included a copy of our profile book for expectant parents to learn more about us. Click the download button to view.

Phone: (612) 405-8982

Profile Book:

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